Jain University Students Create Terrarium to Highlight Nature Conservation


Author : Swathy Sukumar
First Year MA Journalism & Mass Communication, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Kochi


Students of Jain University Craft Terrarium to Promote Nature Conservation


In a remarkable fusion of art and environmental advocacy, design students from Jain University garnered attention at the Student Biennale during the Summit of the Future with a one-of-a-kind terrarium. Shaped like a lighter, this captivating installation goes beyond its artistic appeal to deliver a profound message about the fragility of nature and the urgent need for its preservation. By linking the lighter to nature, the initiative underscores the harmful impact of human actions on the ecosystem, serving as a bold reminder of the consequences future generations may face if destructive trends persist.


The terrarium warns us to envision a future where environmental degradation could lead to a critical shortage of oxygen, presenting the terrarium as a symbolic “saviour” for humanity. This creation offers a glimpse into preserving nature and ensuring access to fresh air for generations to come. The project urges society to recognize the precarious state of the ecosystem and adopt sustainable practices to secure a healthier future.


Through the terrarium, Jain University’s design students showcase exceptional creativity and innovation, using art as a powerful tool to raise awareness and inspire collective action to protect the environment.


For More Details  7034044141/ 7034044242