First, identify your cyber enemy


In this digital age, anyone can become a criminal, says Manoj Abraham IPS


Kochi: With cybercrimes on the rise, it is essential to recognize your cyber adversaries, as anyone can become a criminal in today’s digital world, stated Manoj Abraham IPS. He was addressing the topic of cybersecurity at the Summit of the Future organized by Jain Deemed-to-be University, Kochi.


“We are living in a time where anyone, at any moment, can be hacked. Be it an organization, system, institution, device, desktop, or mobile—everything is vulnerable. Cyberattacks today are more pervasive and damaging than conventional threats. As technology advances, so does the sophistication of crimes,” he observed.


He noted that cybercrime extends beyond hacking. Incidents such as the Turkish oil pipeline sabotage, the German steel factory explosion, and the Florida water supply attack highlight the scale of terrorist activities executed via the internet. These examples underscore the massive risks posed to lives and property in the digital era.


“One doesn’t need bombs or missiles to destroy a life or community. Attacks can now be launched from anywhere, with just an internet connection proving sufficient,” he warned.

The primary defense against such threats, according to him, is cultivating awareness and adopting robust safety practices. “We must live with the constant awareness that we are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Learn to identify your cyber enemies. Never blindly trust people you encounter on social media. Always verify before trusting anyone,” he advised, emphasizing the concept of ‘Zero Trust’.


Furthermore, in an era where hacking of sensitive data is rampant, he stressed the need to fortify backup management systems.


“The essence of cybersecurity lies in continually learning about it and educating others. Staying informed is the only way to stay safe,” he concluded.

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